Take Action » What is Sexual Harassment?

What is Sexual Harassment?

Sexual harassment for the purposes of Title IX is defined as:
  1. Unwelcome conduct determined by a reasonable person to be so severe, pervasive, and objectively offensive that it effectively denies a person equal access to the school’s education programs or activities.
  2. Sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, or stalking as those terms are defined under federal laws called the Clery Act Summary and Violence Against Women Act (VAWA). 
  3. Quid Pro Quo Harassment*

Questions, complaints or requests for additional information regarding these laws or issues should be directed to: 

Keith Shaffer - Business Services Manager, Title IX Coordinator 
1400 Yosemite St. 
Aurora, CO 80010
*Quid pro quo literally translates as “something for something.” This type of harassment occurs when a person in authority, usually a supervisor or instructor, demands sexual favors in exchange for a job, promotion, grade, or other favorable treatment. In quid pro quo cases, the offense is directly linked to the individual’s terms of employment or academic success or forms the basis for employment or academic decisions affecting the individual.